
迴響, 2013

for Erhu, Pipa and Yangqin

performed by Nathan Kai-him Chan, Hiu-fung Chan and Ka-yi Yuen

Here is a quote from Grandmasters directed and written by Mr. Wong Kar-wai, ‘If you bear a belief in mind, it will reflect on you. Relying on your honor to light the lantern. Where there is a lantern, there will always be people.’ which means if people can never give up their belief, they will receive their rewards eventually; they should also spread the belief in any case to impress as many people as they can.
This quote gave me inspiration to compose, so I started working on the messages brought out in that movie and translating them into musical languages. The piece begins with a Dorian mode on E, and then mingles with atonal passage and pentatonic scale respectively, which will finally end on a pentatonic scale on E. The complex mixture of 3 different ideas portrays the bewilderments you face while you embrace your conviction; the motif played on Erhu develops gradually throughout the piece, which describes the steadfast belief you uphold; and the pure harmonic timbre of the pentatonic ending represents the reward you finally triumph. Echoing the message revealed in the movie, the only solution for accomplishing your goal is to live in your belief.

「念念不忘,必有迴響。憑一口氣,點一盞燈,有燈就有人。」出自黃家衛導演執導的 《一代宗師》,意思是只要一直堅持信念,總有一天會得到回報;只要一息尚存,便要 將這信念傳揚,能傳一人得一人。受這句對白影響下,我嘗試以音樂呈現戲裡傳達的信息。樂曲開始時是E的Doria mode,接著加入無調性和五聲音階的素材,最後以五聲音階作為樂曲的收結。揉合不同 素材產生複雜的音色,意味人們實踐信念時面對的困惑;二胡的動機在整首樂曲中慢慢 發展,貫切始終,彷彿是「念念不忘」;而「迴響」則是樂曲尾段純淨的五聲音階。正 如戲裡所說,唯有「念念不忘」才可以得到「迴響」。

//[Score preview]